A 2,5 Hours Coaching


You will learn how to find your inner self, how to protect yourself from the ongoing abuse and what to do differently so that you will never fall into the narcissistic trap again.


You may want to divide the given time into several sessions or have 2,5 hours coaching in one piece. You will have 6 months to use your time. You will learn how to protect your sanity. Why gratitude can tremendously improve your state of being. What to do to regain your confidence and much more. Finally, you can share your story with someone, who understands you and knows exactly, what you are going through. You will learn how you to use your body to make you feel better already today. How to program yourself for success and how to rewrite your inner consciousness to become stronger in making the decisions.

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We Learn How To Heal Emotional Wounds After Narcissistic Abuse, And How To Keep Predators Out Of Our Lives.
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