Support & Healing

The narcissistic personality disorder becomes epidemic worldwide

The results of the 30-year studies are frightening. They tell us that 70% of the 16000 students showed strong narcissistic traits.

Today’s medical scientific research statistics speak about 1% to 2% of the population have “insecure sociopathic tendencies.”It is 1 or 2 people from 100!

6% to 10% of the population have “extreme narcissistic” personality disorder. 

It is one of 10 people!

So, what are the odds that you know one or two? Maybe you work with some, or you are like me married to one. 

They make us miserable, they ruin our lives.

Let’s talk about how to recognize narcissists, how to see through sociopaths and what is most important – how to protect ourselves and keep them out of our lives.

You can improve your life now.

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If you feel desperate and don't see a way out, take action. Gather your energy, remind yourself how strong you are and plan your next step. 

Learn with me how to resist the strategies and tactics of narcissists; What is gas-lighting; Is your partner a narcissist; Why do you attract them and why are they attracted to you; Can narcissists change; Can your life with a narcissist improve; How to protect children.  Learn and free your life from the narcissistic abuse.

Knowledge is the key.

Let’s begin the healing today.

Tell your story, get support and guidance on your way to recovery. Get a new perspective on your particular situation. Take precautions in making a plan for your next steps. Regain your happiness.

Talk to me personally via Skype from anywhere in the world, share your story, get another perspective on your life. Get help in planning your next steps. Learn how to protect yourself interacting with the abusers. 

Read some useful books. Get guardians to overcome limiting beliefs. Have fun and reinvent your happiness. Find a toolbox to improve your life today.

Learn how to get through the healing process faster, how to enjoy your life without fear. How to be happy again and never become a victim  narcissistic abuse.